Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two Month Checkup

Well, Mommy and Grace both made it through the first round of shots at her two month appt. Wow! I knew that I was going to be emotional, but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to see someone hurting my baby. I know that they are giving her vaccinations for all the right reasons, but it doesn't make it any easier.

Now for the current stats:
Height 24.25 inches
Weight 11 lbs 13 oz

Her weight is now in the 70% range of the charts, height is in the 90% range. She is growing just great and the doctor said everything looked perfect. After chatting with doctor about amount of breast milk I am getting when I pump, she is thinking I may not be producing enough for her, even though she seems very content when she eats. So I am now taking fenugreek and drinking 'mothers milk' tea to see if I can get even bigger boobs...Yippee! Whatever I need to do to make my baby happy and healthy.

1 comment:

K Schimmy said...

Healthy Gracie! Yay! BTW, what does mother's milk tea taste like? I always wondered.