Monday, April 20, 2009

16 weeks and counting...

Well, I am 16 weeks pregnant and time feels like it is standing still. I want to start feeling the baby and really looking pregnant so I can get all the creepy attention. Just kidding about that last part.

Steve and I did buy a crib and changing table yesterday. It is 14 year old jenny lind and is pretty cool. It is not put together or I would post a pic.

That is about all that is going on. I am waiting to hear from the lending company on getting pre-approved to buy a house. Hopefully this week we will get seriously looking and get a house before the baby arrives.


Amelia said...

Sounds like you have lots going on! Don't worry, the baby kicks will come, and they will be the most amazing thing you have ever felt. Until then, feel good about not looking "pregnant" yet... I "popped" at about week 14 and it sucked. By month 6, people thought I was going to go any day and the look of horror that would cross their faces when I told them I had another three months was, in retrospect, just plain funny.

Lo said...

Thank you. I guess I just get worried when I don't know what is going on in there.

K Schimmy said...

There is a lot going on in there, even if you can't feel it yet. There will come a time when you can't go more than a few minutes without feeling (or SEEING something) move in there, so enjoy your restful nights now.

Did they schedule you for your 20 week ultrasound? I can't wait to see if baby has an innie or outie!

Lo said...

I go to doc on the 22nd. I assume I will schedule the u/s then.